Java For Mac Mavericks

Multiple versions of Java on OS X Mavericks

Java For Mac Mavericks High Sierra

Of course after OS X Mountain Lion it was the time to update my java on OS X Mavericks.

This page shows you, step by step, how to convert a simple Java application to a version you can distribute on a Mac. To follow along, download the ButtonDemo (.zip) example from the Java Tutorial. This example was created using NetBeans which uses the Ant utility. You can run all necessary tools and make all necessary edits from the command line, without launching NetBeans. Mavericks (OS X 10.9) is available only as a direct download from Apple’s Mac App Store. This method of distribution is convenient, but it’s not without challenges and questions.

Let’s see how to use multiple versions of java on OS X Mavericks.

I plan to use Java7 and Java 8 from Oracle and to have an easy way of changing the default version.

As you probably know there is a difference between JRE and JDK.If not a very nice response you can find here.

Regarding JRE we should keep in mind that


1) “Only one JRE can be installed at a time. File transfer utility for mac. The system will not install a JRE that has a lower version than the current version. If you wish to install a lower version of the JRE, first uninstall the current version.”

2)”Installing a JRE from Oracle will not update java -version symlinks or add java to your path. To be able to do this, you need to install the JDK.”


I installed JdK 7 and Jdk 8

Vpn services for mac. Right after I installed Jdk8 it seems that the simlinks were updated and java -version returned

as well java_home was set to Jdk 8

In my .profile i have as well defined

As well i found very practical this command which is used to choose the default java_home. (it seems it iterates all java installations and the latest version is tool)


Now in order to have latest Jdk7 installed on my computer as default java I had to change in my .profile file

After opening a new terminal Ubuntu one for mac os versions.


Java For Mac Mavericks Mac

That however is not affecting the default java version as described above.
In order to change that you might need to uninstall the Jdk that points to or to use some kind of hacked
as in

Java For Mac Mavericks Download

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