Ringtone Maker Iphone For Mac

  1. Aiseesoft Iphone Ringtone Maker For Mac
  2. Iphone Ringtone Maker For Windows
  3. Ringtone Maker Iphone For Macbook Pro
iSkysoft iPhone Ringtone Maker for Mac is a powerful and convenient application to create and transfer ringtones for iPhone. It can help to create ringtones out of various formats of audios and videos and transfer ringtones longer than 40 seconds to your iPhone.
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Get everything prepared
Make sure your iSkysoft iPhone Ringtone Maker for Mac is well installed: After expanding the .dmg file, double-click MacFUSE to install it, and then drag the iSkysoft iPhone Ringtone Maker for Mac icon into the Applications folder or onto the Desktop.
Important: You should finishes these two steps as the guidance indicates in the installation dialog box, or the application won’t be able to connect to your iPhone.
1. Load files
There are three methods to import raw audios.
1.1. Load local files
Load files from the iTunes list, which is in sync with the iTunes on your Mac. Or you can drag a file directly to the interface or click the Open File button to import.
1.2. Record sound clips
Or you can record sound and make it into ringtones.
Click Recorder on launch or the Record button on the Toolbar to record sound.
In the recorder, click the Record button to start recording sound, and click it again to stop. Click the Play button to preview the sound. Click the Import button to import the recorded sound clip to the editing interface.
1.3. Groove Box
The third way is to use the Groove Box. It is a sound reverberator. You can compose melodies manually or let the application generate for you.
2. Edit
Then it will shift to the editing interface. The editing interface is as below.
The file is displayed as waveform. Adjust the highlighted section to define which part of the audio you want to make into ringtone. You can click the Play button to listen to the whole audio and click the Preview button to listen to selected section.
You can add fade-in and fade-out effect to the ringtone. Select Sound Fade in/Sound Fade out and select the fading duration.
Tip: You can load video files and the Ringtone Maker will rip the audio into the Waveform pane. You can click the Preview switch to unfold the built-in Video preview player and preview the video for better locating of the sound.
3. Export
When you finish the editing, you can save the ringtone or transfer it to iTunes or iPhone directly.
Click Save as on the File menu and you can save the ringtone as an .m4r file on your Mac.
Click the Start button to proceed with the making. The output will be added to iTunes automatically when the progress is finished and iTunes will be launched automatically, playing the saved ringtone. Then you can transfer the ringtone via iTunes, or click Manager on the Ringtone Maker interface to transfer it.
Tip: Select the Transfer to iPhone check box under the Start button, and the ringtone will be transferred to your iPhone directly after it is made.
Important: If you want to transfer a ringtone longer than 40 seconds to iPhone, you must select Transfer to iPhone before clicking Start or use the Manager to transfer. Do not transfer it via iTunes, for the newer version of iTunes can load ringtones longer than 40 seconds, though, it won’t allow them to be transferred.
After transference, go to your iPhone and apply the new ringtone. You will find that you can get rid of the 40-second restriction.

Right click on the song of your choice and select “get info”. Right click may be “ctrl” click if your right. Ringtone maker free download - Xingtone Ringtone Maker, 4Media iPhone Ringtone Maker, 4Media Ringtone Maker, and many more programs. Make iPhone Ringtone from All Formats for All iPhone Models. Create iPhone ringtone out of any media sources This iPhone Ringtone Maker for Mac allows you to create iPhone ringtones from any media sources: videos and audios in AVI, MPEG, WMV, MP3, WMA, WAV, etc., splendid music, movies, TV shows and other medias in your iTunes. Leawo iPhone Ringtone Maker for Mac User Guide. Leawo iAm Ringer is a utility iPhone ringtone maker which is specially tailored for Mac user to create personalized iPhone ringtone. With this iPhone ringtone creator, you can successfully make iPhone ringtone out of. Free video screenshot software for mac.

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To create a ringtone on your Mac, prepare it on your Mac using GarageBand or Logic Pro, then share it to iCloud Drive so you can open it in GarageBand on your iPhone or iPad. Once it's on your iPhone or iPad, export the song as a ringtone from GarageBand, then assign the ringtone. Or just create the ringtone directly on your iPhone or iPad.

Set up iCloud Drive

To share songs from your Mac to GarageBand for iOS, you need iCloud Drive. If you haven’t already, set up iCloud Drive on your Mac and your iPhone or iPad.

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Share your project

  1. On your Mac, open the project in Logic Pro or GarageBand.
  2. Share it to GarageBand for iOS:
    • In GarageBand, choose Share > Project to GarageBand for iOS.
    • In Logic Pro X, choose File > Share > Project to GarageBand for iOS.
  3. Select the 'GarageBand for iOS' folder in iCloud Drive, then click Save.

Export the project as a ringtone

Aiseesoft Iphone Ringtone Maker For Mac

  1. Open GarageBand on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
  2. In the My Songs browser, tap Browse , tap Select, then tap the project you shared from your Mac.
  3. Tap , then tap Ringtone.
  4. Enter a name for the ringtone, then tap Export. If the ringtone is longer than 30 seconds, tap Continue to have GarageBand shorten the ringtone automatically. Or, tap Cancel to return to the song so you can shorten it.
  5. Tap Export.
  6. When the ringtone is finished exporting, you can assign the ringtone.

Assign the ringtone

Iphone Ringtone Maker For Windows

After you’ve exported your project as a ringtone, you can set it as your standard ringtone, or assign it to a contact. Tap 'Use sound as,' then choose an option: Recording voice for mac.

Ringtone Maker Iphone For Macbook Pro

  • To use the ringtone as your standard ringtone, replacing the existing ringtone, tap Standard Ringtone.
  • To use the ringtone as your standard text tone, replacing the existing text tone, tap Standard Text Tone.
  • To associate a ringtone with one of your contacts, tap 'Assign to contact,' then choose a contact.
  • To return to the My Songs browser without assigning the ringtone, tap Done.